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global quota中文是什么意思

用"global quota"造句"global quota"怎么读"global quota" in a sentence


  • 全球配额
  • 全球限额
  • 总计配额
  • 总括的配额
  • 总括配额


  • Chinese textile exports have boomed since a global quota system was scrapped in january
  • At present , china maintains a global quota of 20 foreign films per year to be imported for distribution on a revenue - sharing basis
  • At present , china maintains a global quota of 20 foreign films per year to be imported for distribution on a revenue - sharing basis
  • And this year ' s gap is running 30 percent above the 2004 pace , reflecting a surge in imports of chinese clothing and fabric after the removal of global quotas at the beginning of the year
    今年美国对华贸易逆差仍然是有增无减,在除去今年年初的全球配额后,大量进口的中国服饰与纺织品配额比去年同期增长了30 % 。
  • The delay has dismayed egyptian exporters and the cairo government , who are pushing for the agreement to be finalised before global quotas on textile and apparel are removed at the end of this year
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